Thursday, October 7, 2010

Organs for Sale?

I firmly believe that helping others and saving lives is extremely important. There is no greater way to help someone than to essentially save their life. I think that an individual should most definitely have the right to sell his or her organs. Of course, they must give consent to do so. But the decision to sell your body's organs is a personal decision and every individual has the right to decide for themselves. The circumstances can be up to the preference of an individual. An obvious circumstance would be in the case of dying, when one desperately needs a healthy organ for transplant. If a person is willing to sell their organ to save that person, it is fine in my eyes. If they do not want to sell their organs to help that sick person out, that is fine too. It is really based on personal preference. However, it is understandable for one to disagree with the concept of someone selling their organs. Ethical and medical issues can arise. It may be against one's religion or what not. 
I do not understand why some countries would make the selling of organs illegal. If it goes against a religion, like I said before, I guess it could be understood. But I really do think it is completely a personal decision and should not be banned to a group of people. This is also where our country’s freedom stands out. We are free to do what we want, so it is the usual for Americans to be able to make their own decisions. This makes it foreign, for me as an American at least, to hear that some countries have made it illegal for an individual to sell their organs. Every person is entitled to their own decisions, opinions, and thoughts. 

'Sell Organs to Save Lives'

Above is the link to an article that argues in favor of the sale of organs. Like I said in my previous posts, I think selling organs is a great thing. It saves lives and saving a life is the greatest thing you can do to help someone and I personally believe it is one of the greatest satisfactions in life. In this article, it is said that people have a right to their own body and have the right to make decisions about their own body. I completely agree with this. As long as what you are doing is harming no one, then it is perfectly fine to continue to do it. The article also discusses how in some countries, the selling of organs is considered a criminal offense. I find this difficult to understand given the fact that it is a personal preference and deals with one's own body. After reading this article, I still firmly agree with my opinion in the prior post. No one should make decisions about your body other than you, that is if you are NOT a minor....that can lead to another completely debatable topic like in the book, now movie, My Sister's Keeper.

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