Monday, November 22, 2010

Demonstration Evaluation

I found a speech on YouTube of a college student demonstrating how to build a Subway sandwich- Subway Girl. I actually found this topic to be quite intriguing, considering I always watch in awe as to how perfectly every Subway sandwich is made. I believe this speech had many positives, but also had numerous negatives that are worth pointing out. One of the negatives was that of the presenter's use of the word "like". I think using "like" every few words is very annoying and unprofessional. Also, the girl presenting was not serious enough in a way. Another notable negative was that she took too long in presenting how the meat should be put on the sandwich. Personally, I think after putting twenty-four slices of turkey on one piece at a time, it was not necessary to put twenty-four slices of ham on after that, or twenty-four slices of cucumber AND tomato. It took too long and presented a lull in her speech and caused me to lose interest for a bit. After losing interest, I found it difficult to refocus and gain interest again.

However, her voice was very clear and her visual aids were phenomenal. She spoke loudly and added some levity to her presentation, being able to make her audience laugh a couple of times. But, the negatives outweighed the positives in this demonstration speech. Overall, her demonstration was very repetitive and not worthy of six minutes. In reality, learning how to make a Subway sandwich would most likely take a maximum of three minutes.

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